How to Translate Your Board Game Into Russian

How to Translate Your Board Game Into Russian

Howdy, geek squad!In this post, we’ll look at Russian localization and explore considerations that go into translating different parts of your game’s text. Russian tabletop slang is replete with Anglicisms and terminology that wouldn’t make much sense to the...

How We Coined Some Terminology for Harry Potter

How We Coined Some Terminology for Harry Potter

Translating the Harry Potter books into Dutch. It must have been a Herculean task.I think you have to be some kind of wizard yourself in order to pull it off. Not only do you have to come up with clever and funny word play for objects, potions, spells and names in...

An Exclusive Look at Bruxelles 1893

An Exclusive Look at Bruxelles 1893

What’s up, my little geeklings?It might surprise you, but it doesn’t happen often that I get to play the games I’m about to translate beforehand. Usually, we just receive the PDFs and we start the localization process without actually having played the game. C’est la...

Freelancer Profile: Hanna Björkman

Freelancer Profile: Hanna Björkman

Aloha, geek squad!Here at The Geeky Pen, we try to do more than just translate games. We also want to facilitate networking, and introduce you to other talented freelancers in the board game industry. Today, we’re putting a graphic designer in the spotlight who has...

Roll-and-Writes: History of a Popular Genre

Roll-and-Writes: History of a Popular Genre

How’s it hanging, Geekazoids?Imagine it’s game night.You’re just about to start (or finish) your evening, and your gaming group needs to pick something to play. What do you decide on? “How about a roll-and-write”, someone suggests?Smart friends you have....